What is your name and job role / position and company?
Nathalie Nahai, Web Psychologist and author
Could you give us a brief overview of what your role entails and what you love about it and/or your company?
I teach businesses how to apply scientific rigour to their website design, content marketing and products. Having written a book on the subject, I do a lot of speaking and training, and I love the travelling and being able to meet people who are doing exciting work. I also co-host the Guardian’s Tech Weekly podcast, and contribute to national publications, TV and radio on the subject of online behaviour.
Could you give us a brief overview of a typical day?
Every day is different – at the moment I’m working on research for my new book, and I spend quite a bit of time writing presentations for training and speaking engagements.
What would you say are the key skills required to be effective in your role?
Being a good communicator, keeping up with the most recent research and insights, and forging good relationships with smart, adventurous and passionate people.
Tell us a little bit about your career progression. Where did you start out and how you developed into your current role?
This is a slightly complicated answer… I took a BSc in Psychology, then studied fine art at Central Saint Martins, then (while recording a couple of albums – I’m also a musician) I decided to learn how to design and develop websites. While working as a freelance web designer, I became interested in how our online environments influence our behaviours, but when I looked for a post-grad course in the subject there was nothing that really fit the bill. That’s when I decided to write a book instead, Webs Of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion, which was published by Pearson in 2012 and sold well. Since then I’ve developed my skills in public speaking, training and writing, which is what I enjoy most in my current role.
What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to do?
Travel to Southern India.
What would you say has been your biggest challenge?
Finding a balance in the way that I work.
If you weren’t doing this role, what would you love to be doing?
I have no idea…! Travelling, probably.
Which brands do you think are getting it right in the digital space?
Nasty Gal, Scientific American Mind, Etsy, to name a few.
Do you have any recommended books that have had a big influence on your career / business?
Yes, this long list here.
If you were a superhero who would you be and what would be your superpower?
I’d be Madame Gourmande, and would be able to eat as much lemon drizzle cake (or anything else, for that matter) as I like without suffering any ill consequences!
What advice would you give those starting out in business now?
Skill up, push yourself to learn things that expand your perspective, and ask for help from others when you need it – people are smart and kind and if you reach out to them, you’ll be surprised what you can achieve.
Nathalie Nahai
Web psychology & the science of online persuasion
Nathalie on Twitter
Nathalie Nahai Website
Humanise the Web – Website